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Walk The Walk: You are here

The aim of this lesson is to encourage learners to reflect on their local neighbourhood and identify areas of safety and community, alongside areas where sectarian behaviour might be likely to happen.
- Begin by reading together through Walk The Walk up to page 19, the section where Rab and Robbie introduce us to their neighbourhood, The Walk.
- Now print the 'You Are Here' map making activity, the location map activity and the discussion questions.
- Use the discussion questions to facilitate a group discussion.
- Then hand out the map-making activities and provide support where needed. Follow this with the map ‘marking’ activity.
- Once your learners have completed these two activities, have a go at the follow-up discussion.
Reflecting on learning
After taking part in the discussion, were learners aware of:
- The population of their local area, and a breakdown of that population?
- Community organisations in their local area (e.g. libraries, community centres, meeting spaces)?
- Special or unique characteristics of their local area (e.g. special events, festivals, historical links)?
- Boundaries around or within their local areas?
Learners can:
- Identify areas or aspects of their local community where they feel safe and enjoy being, and discuss these within the group
- Identify places where they believe sectarian behaviour might be likely to happen, and discuss these within the group
Useful resources
The Hand Drawn Map Association(this link will open in a new window) provides thousands of examples of alternative, creative maps to inspire your learners. These maps are of local communities in the UK and all over the world.