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About Read Write Count with the First Minister
Read Write Count with the First Minister aims to build parents' confidence, and encourage families to include easy and fun reading, writing and counting activities in their everyday lives

What is book bag gifting?
Through our Bookbug and Read Write Count with the First Minister programmes, we gift free book bags and learning materials to children in Scotland from birth to Primary 3. Watch the short video below to find out more.
Through Read Write Count with the First Minister, every child in Primary 2–3 receives a free bag with books, educational games and writing materials that change on a yearly basis. Read Write Count with the First Minister also provides advice and support for learning professionals and families through training events and online resources.
Find out more about the P2 bag
Find out more about the P3 bag
Read Write Count with the First Minister coming to your school
Teachers can find out more about the bags and tips for gifting them to your pupils in our teacher pack.
The book bag is a very valuable resource. My children always get excited about receiving one, as do I and we really appreciate the treasures inside.
Where to get your Read Write Count with the First Minister bag
Bags are sent directly to schools via your local authority. For any questions about how to receive your bag, contact your local coordinator. If your child does not attend school or you are home-schooling your child/ren, please contact your local authority coordinator to receive your free bag.
How it works
The campaign, delivered by Scottish Government, Education Scotland and Scottish Book Trust, builds relationships with parents and strengthens the link between home and school learning.
Parental involvement in children’s learning is one of the best ways to improve educational outcomes for all children. Read Write Count with the First Minister is a key part of the Scottish Government’s commitment to raise attainment by building parents' confidence and encouraging families to include fun and easy reading, writing and counting activities in their everyday lives. Families can visit the Parent Club(this link will open in a new window) website for more ideas about playing and learning at home
Research shows that if books and materials are explored in school first to allow children to become familiar with and excited by the materials, families are far more likely to use them together at home.
Bag gifting
To build excitement among pupils, we recommend that schools hold a bag gifting event and invite parents to join.
Watch our webinar or read advice and case studies from other schools to get ideas for your own event.
Learning resources
We have created a range of learning resources for Primary 2 and Primary 3 to help teachers use the bags in school.
- Parent letter
- Power Point lessons for each book
- Learning maps
- Activity worksheets
- Teacher guide
- Home learning activity ideas
- Parent introduction PowerPoint
If you have any other questions please get in touch with us at [email protected](this link will open in a new window).