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Arts Alive: how to guide for artists

Important tips, information and forms for artists taking part in the pilot year of Arts Alive.

A man in a green Royal Scottish National Orchestra (RSNO) t-shirt standing in front of a classroom orchestra wind instrument section

Arts Alive is a pilot programme connecting schools with artists, supported by Scottish Book Trust and Scotland's National Performing Companies.

Thank you for working with us on an Arts Alive project, we've pulled together some handy tips to help you prepare. All Arts Alive events are likely to be a little different, so please see this as a guide rather than a set of rules.

Getting started

Before the session

On the day of the session

After the session

Sharing your experience

We are keen to see examples of work produced, events or examples of press/internet features about your sessions and residencies. We would love to hear from you if you feel others could learn from your project or you would be willing to be used as a case study.

Email [email protected](this link will open in a new window) with anything you are happy to share with us.