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Arts Alive information and forms for schools

Essential information and documents for schools running an Arts Alive event.

A member of the Royal Scottish National Orchestra (RSNO) and a pupil, both holding violins, smile in the middle of a school orchestra

This page includes all the essential information partners need to run an Arts Alive event. Please read it carefully, and email [email protected](this link will open in a new window) if you still have questions. 

All forms mentioned are available to download at the bottom of this page.

Essential documents

Claim form

For you to fill in before the artist arrives. Please fill in the first part and give the form to the author on the day by email or in person. They will fill in the second part and email or post it to us along with their receipts. You can download the part-funded session claim form(this link will open in a new window) or residency claim form(this link will open in a new window) (depending on what type of Arts Alive project you have been awarded) at the bottom of this page. See our invoicing information for schools for more information about how Arts Alive pays artists and invoices the school.

Permission to film forms

If your school doesn't have its own permission forms, you can use the forms provided if you plan to film, photograph or record the visit. Please check with the artist(s) before filming part of or photographing a session. Artist(s) may decline to be filmed or photographed throughout or during particular activities. 

Arts Alive and child protection

Arts Alive sessions take place in schools across Scotland. A primary concern when holding any event is that it is safe as well as enjoyable, for both the artist and the participants. 

You can refer to our child protection policy and digital child protection policy for guidance.

Please note:

Evaluation survey

Please fill in the relevant evaluation survey within six weeks of holding your final sessions. Your feedback helps us to develop the programme and secure its future; thank you for taking the time to fill in a survey.

Surveys for schools

Surveys for sessions and residencies for pupils and learning professionals.

Surveys for artists

Surveys for sessions and residencies for artists.