Looking for more in Reading and Stories or Bookbug?
Heading outdoors with Bookbug
Spending time outdoors can be beneficial for everyone, offering a change of scene, fresh air and space. It can also support children’s learning and development, as well as their enjoyment of songs, rhymes and stories.
Find out more about the joy of reading outside in our article from Juliet Robertson, an educational consultant. If you’re looking for books to inspire outdoor exploration, take a look at our book list featuring titles which celebrate nature, wildlife and being out and about.
Being outdoors can help to make songs and rhymes more meaningful to children, and improve their understanding of new words and concepts. For many children, it will be easier to grasp concepts or new words when they can experience them directly. The outdoor environment can be a great source of inspiration – use what’s around you to inform your choice of song or rhyme! Here are some of our favourites from the Bookbug Song and Rhyme Library:
- All the Little Ducks Go Upside Down
- Two Little Dicky Birds
- A Big Red Bus
- Ten Red Apples
- I Have a Little Spider
You can find lots more song and rhyme suggestions in our themed Bookbug Session plans(this link will open in a new window).