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What's inside the 2023 Bookbug Toddler Bag?

Find out what's in the 2023 Bookbug Toddler Bags and where to get them

The Bookbug Toddler Bag is gifted by your health visitor when your baby is 13–15 months. Ask your health visitor, local library or the Bookbug Co-ordinator in your local authority if you have not received a bag for your child. Please note that older versions of the bags are still in circulation while stocks last, so you may not receive the most recent bag.

The Whales on the Bus by Katrina Charman and Nick Sharratt

Sing along to a familiar favourite tune with this joyful picture book that was made to be read again and again. Packed to the hilt with rhyming fun and mayhem, alongside Nick Sharratt's bright and bold illustrations, children will love to get involved as each page reveals a new cast of animal characters.

Tickle My Ears by Jörg Muhle

Can you tuck little rabbit into bed? This book is perfect for supporting routines, particularly at bedtime. The adorable illustrations invite interaction not only with the book, but also between parent or caregiver and child, making it a memorable reading experience for curious toddlers.

Puddling! by Emma Perry and Claire Alexander

This picture book is full of joy – and puddles! If your toddlers love to splish, splash, splosh in puddles when it's raining, this is the perfect picture book to share with them. It’s a beautiful representation of community, as families come together with their wee ones to enjoy some outdoor fun and, of course, snuggle up in the warmth afterwards.

Other contents

Alongside the books, toddlers will receive:

Please note: Bags are not suitable for babies or young children to use unattended.

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