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What's inside the 2024 Bookbug Explorer Bag?

Find out what's in the 2024 Bookbug Explorer Bags and where to get them

The Bookbug Explorer Bag is gifted at childcare settings when your child is 3. Home-educated children who have not received their bag at nursery can request these from their local Bookbug co-ordinator.

Bunnies on the Bus by Philip Ardagh and Ben Mantle

Bunnies on the bus, bunnies in the aisles, bunnies on the roof! A madcap adventure through Sunnytown with a bunny-filled bus speeding through the streets to the horror of passers-by. There’s lots of easy repetition for children to join in with and many fun things to spot and talk about.

Mavis the Bravest by Lu Fraser and Sarah Warburton

Mavis is a bit of a chicken in every sense of the word. She’s scared of nighttime, daytime and everything in between. The only thing that keeps her calm is the constant click clack of her knitting needles. But when, one night, her woolly pal Sandra is kidnapped, can Mavis find a spark of bravery inside herself to fight off the thief and save Sandra?

I Did See a Mammoth by Alex Willmore

The Antarctic is such an exciting place full of penguins, penguins and. . . more penguins. Who wants to study penguins when you can spot a mammoth instead? A dancing, swimming and skateboarding woolly mammoth! Will anyone believe the young explorer that mammoths exist? A brilliant read-aloud picture book that will have everyone joining in.

Other contents

Alongside the books featured in the bag, you'll also find:

Please note: Bags are not suitable for babies or young children to use unattended.

CALL Scotland have also created a pack of symbol resources to accompany each of the books in the Bookbug Explorer Bag. They can be used with children with additional support needs (ASN) and those with communication difficulties, as well as those with English as an additional language (EAL).

Discover symbol resources for the Bookbug Explorer Bag

Want to know more about the Bookbug Explorer Bag?

Visit the Bookbug Explorer Bag homepage

Looking for the rest of the Bookbug Bag contents?

Head to the Bookbug Bags page