Looking for more in Reading and Stories or Bookbug?
What's inside the 2024 Bookbug Primary 1 Family Bag?
Find out what's in the 2024 Bookbug P1 Family Bags and where to get them.

The Bookbug P1 Family Bag is gifted at school during Book Week Scotland. Home educated children who have not received their bag can request one from their local P1 contact.

The Eyebrows of Doom by Steve Smallman and Miguel Ordóñez
Two eyebrows are up to no good, and the animals they run into on their quest to wreak havoc are the collateral. This rhyming picture book is full of fun, featuring Miguel Ordóñez’s iconic illustrations.

The Quickest Bedtime Story Ever by Louise Fitzgerald and Kate Hindley
Get ready for bed with a cast of animal characters – with a bedtime story that’s only 10 words long! This interactive story is perfect for bringing fun into your bedtime routine, and little ones have to promise that they’ll go to sleep at the end of the story.

10 Dogs by Emily Gravett
10 dogs and 10 sausages – what could go wrong? Make numbers fun with this brilliant picture book which plays with the counting book format.
Other contents
- Alongside the books featured in the bag you'll also find:
- An activity book full of fun things to do together all relating to the books in the bag
- A pack of bright colouring pencils
- A whiteboard, pen, and set of magnetic numbers
- The Bongles and the Crafty Crows – a book about cyber resilience by Oscar Van Heek and Dean Queazy in partnership with the Scottish Government and Education Scotland
Symbol resources
We work with CALL Scotland to offer symbol resources which accompany each of the books in the Bookbug P1 Family Bag. They can be used with pupils who need additional support and those with communication difficulties as well as children with English as an additional language (EAL).