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What's inside the 2025 Bookbug Explorer Bag?

Find out what's in the 2025 Bookbug Explorer Bags and where to get them

The Bookbug Explorer Bag is gifted at early learning and childcare settings when your child is 3. Home-educated children who have not received their bag at nursery can request these from their local Bookbug co-ordinator.

Runaway Cone by Morag Hood

Gary the cone just wants a holiday, but the other cones don’t know where he’s gone! Cue many high jinks with runaway roadworks and emotional machinery as they try to find Gary and bring him home.

Dick the Delightful Duck by Kaye Umansky and Ben Mantle

Dick is normally a very cheerful fella, but when he gets out of bed on the wrong side one morning everything starts to go wrong. Can his friends help him feel better?

Hen in the Bed by Katrina Charman and Guilherme Karsten

There were 10 in the bed and the little one said. . . you know the rest! Who is going to be tumbling out of bed this time? Turn the split pages to find out.

Other contents

Alongside the books featured in the bag, you'll also find:

CALL Scotland has also created a pack of symbol resources to accompany each of the books in the Bookbug Explorer Bag. They can be used with children with additional support needs (ASN) and those with communication difficulties, as well as those with English as an additional language (EAL).

CALL Scotland’s resources will be available to use soon. Check back here and follow our social media channels for updates.

Want to know more about the Bookbug Explorer Bag?

(this link will open in a new window)Visit the Bookbug Explorer Bag homepage

Looking for information about last year’s Explorer Bag?

(this link will open in a new window)Explore the 2024 Bookbug Explorer Bag contents

Looking for the rest of the Bookbug Bag contents?

(this link will open in a new window)Head to the Bookbug Bags page