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First Minister's Reading Challenge evaluation
Read the independent evaluation of the 2021/22 First Minister's Reading Challenge programme

The First Minister's Reading Challenge (FMRC) first launched in 2016. This programme is designed to encourage pupils to read for pleasure and to develop a life-long love of reading.
This independent evaluation of the 2021/22 programme, provided by The Lines Between, covers the successes and challenges of the past six years, examining school involvement, achievements, and individual stories. It also outlines the connection between FMRC and another Scottish Book Trust programme, Reading Schools, to assess the long-term impact of creating a reading culture within our schools and wider communities.
Read the full report (An accessible plain text version is available at the bottom of the page)
Key conclusions
First Minister's Reading Challenge has demonstrated that there is a clear link between the programme, and pupils enjoying discovering and sharing a knowledge and love of books.

FMRC began as a programme supporting P4-P7 students, but has expanded with each new school academic year to eventually include secondary schools and libraries and community groups. Its aims are diverse, including the development of reading cultures through the wider community, supporting attainment, sustaining reading for pleasure across the curriculum, developing pupil voice and leadership, and platforming public libraries.
The findings indicate that the critical success factors of the programme include:
- Design of universal provision
- Variety of interventions
- Accessible, flexible structure and non-prescriptive approaches, to enable teachers to tailor reading to their students
- High-quality resources and overall personal-reading focus