Looking for more in Reading and Stories or Reading is Caring?

Reading is Caring: I am a professional or current volunteer in a care setting

If you live or work in Fife, the Scottish Borders, Edinburgh or the Lothians, you can sign up for free Reading is Caring workshops now by emailing [email protected](this link will open in a new window)

What is Reading is Caring?

Reading is Caring is an established, free course that supports professional and family care partners. 

Together, we will create personalised shared reading experiences specifically designed for the individuals you are caring for. The course provides guidance around how to adapt your day-to-day practice. You can take part yourself or request information on behalf of someone else.

Research shows that personalised shared reading is cognitively stimulating for people living with dementia and strengthens the bond between the people who read together. Carers have reported that regularly using techniques they have developed on the course has improved mental health and wellbeing, encouraged active listening and helped increase frequency of speech.

Reading is Caring has been found to give carers time back after attendance, due to exploring techniques to help relieve frustration, lift mood and aid focus and engagement. Our evaluations show that the Reading is Caring approach consistently meets four of the five recommended daily steps of the New Economics Foundation's Five Ways to Wellbeing (2008)(this link will open in a new window).

Reading is Caring has a massive impact on patients’ quality of life and the relationships of relatives and their loved ones. It can bring magic moments and that’s worth a great deal to people.

- Professional carer

Get involved

Older man and women read together sitting on step

Anyone who currently cares for someone who is living with dementia or is in the caring profession can take part. We don’t require you to be their primary carer, however you need to have an existing caring relationship with them. They do not need to have a formal diagnosis to experience the benefits.

We have a flexible schedule, can arrange sessions to suit your unique circumstances and provide support to cover the costs of care so you can take part. Please get in touch by email or using the from at the bottom of this page for more information on our workshops and how we can help.  

Please note: Unfortunately, we are not able to take on volunteers ourselves, but please do still register for the workshops if you are an active volunteer who is currently partnered with someone who is living with dementia in a professional care setting such as a Care Home or Day Care residency.

Want to learn more about the workshops before taking part? Check out our Reading is Caring FAQs.

We are currently offering a series of half-day workshops that take place online. Please visit the page below to find upcoming workshop dates. If you can't attend on any of these days, or would prefer to take part in person, do get in touch and we'll see how we can work together.

Upcoming workshops

This training has positively impacted my skillset. I am gaining confidence in delivering and sharing reading experiences, and I’m already seeing the positive difference this is making.

- Professional carer

Contact us

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Please use this space to let us know any further information, such as what workshop dates you'd like to register for, or any times that are best to contact you.