Help with failed reCaptcha check error
Most forms across our website, including the one to make donations, uses reCAPTCHA version 3. This works by assigning you a score based on your interactions with the page, such as how you navigate through the page and how you input your data. The score is used to decide whether the interactions are human or a bot to protect us against spam and other types of automated abuse.
If you see the Failed reCAPTCHA check error message while trying to donate or complete any other form, the actions taken on the page are indicating to our website that you may be a bot rather than a real customer.
If you see this error there are a number of steps you can try:
- Refresh the page and try to complete the task again
- Try a different internet browser to complete the task, such as Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Safari, etc. Check which browser you're using(this link will open in a new window).
- Restart your device
- Check that your internet connect is stable and reset your WiFi if necessary
- If you receive this error consistently, please get in touch with our relevant team for further support