Looking for more in Scotland's Stories?


Author: Mae Diansangu
Year: Adventure

Please note: This poem has special formatting. You can see the original in PDF format.

Wir bodies are stories.

Hers is freshly scrieved.

Saft an swak wi newness.

Mine’s a bitty teuch, wi a

“bin aroon the block”—ness.

She is easier tae read.

Nae secret self swirlin roon her

een. Insteid, some fierdy wards

set in amber: nivver hud ontae

a moment langer than it lasts.

I waatch her filter the warld

through that wee broon neb.

Ahin a nuvelty. Ivry olfactory

receptor a hame fur opportunity.

A curious tongue keeks oot,

slaikin ower fresh possibilities.

The wye her body meets ilka

day, hiz learnt me tae




sniff oot



the maist



So we tak wir bodies an wir stories

fur a wak. An we mak the warld

mair whole an newer. A callerness

sets ower the auldest routes I ken.

We traik them, again an again.

Blithe, glaikit, and content

tae spy summin new

in ivry sauchelt neuk.