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Rugby vs Footie

Author: Lynette
Year: Adventure

Tartan Army fur us baith,

oor colours jest the same,

ups n doons we huv,

dinnae take oor claim to fame!

Oval baws tae roon yins,

Runnin up an doon,

In yer arms or at yer feet

Inta splats on the groon.

Eleven tae fifteen oh bollocks!

Tackles aplenty tae share aboot

Footie guys dae a faw or wiz it a dive?

Rugby inta a ruck: nae way oot!

Refs tae thon T.M.O if unsure,

Fa, affside, richt doon to the tri,

Pour gits lugs ar ringing fae thon players,

Only to be telt ta comply.

Half time: oh so different,

Full time even bettur,

Oh bejangles extra time

Oh Lordy geez a beltur!

Oor bodies skelpit n sair

Screamin oot fur thon hot tub

We’d skite on thon wet flair

Bugger it! We’re hittin the pub!

So you see rugby and footie ur alike

We really aint that different

As we staun n chant fur hunner mile,

Stubborn n proud we’re hell bent.

Scotland we bravely staun

Staunnin as yer loyal fans

Plenty widen spuns we huv

Yet rugby an footie are oor clans.