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Saved By The Bell

Author: John
Year: Adventure

As I stick my head outside everything is so big,

I dash across the playground just missed by a twig.

There’s a real hustle bustle as I come to the bridge, into the green blades of grass across the ridge.

I run past weeds, mud and garbage my heads in a rush, I think to myself have I taken on too much?

A football flies high overhead into the blue of the sky, I am wishing I hadn’t come out, am I going to die?

I’m back out in the open, I need to be quick, a shimmy here and there it's making me feel sick!

I hear the singing of children and their thunderous feet. What have I done? I only wanted something to eat!

It’s been 10 minutes now running in circles and fast on my feet, but I can now see home is this going to be a defeat?

I make one final dash by the bike shed ahead, my eyes locked on the prize it is time to be fed!

I hear a rumble underground. It sounds like a herd, it’s time to be brave not getting scared.

Out from nowhere a siren rings clear, it starts to get dark, shadows cover me with fear.

But the panic is over and all have run by, with a sigh of relief I can now eat the crumbs of some leftover pie.