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The Day I Left

Author: K.G. Munro
Year: Adventure

For a while, I had felt a flicker of dissatisfaction

Nibbling at my emotions

As my run-of-the-mill routine became an anchor

weighing me down

Work, friends, eating out,

Nothing sparked a reaction anymore

For a while, I tried walking, meditating, and a cornucopia

of hobbies

But it wasn’t until one random day that I gained the courage to explore

On a rainy Wednesday

I packed my black holdall and booked a flight to Greenland

Upon my arrival, I was greeted by lustrous green pastures and beautiful

wooden houses

The crystal blue water looked like a painting

Nothing but pure air took my breath away

As I walked across the lands

Peppered with patches of snow

Brown mountains embraced the area in a hug

Each house was a different colour,

Green, yellow, red, white, and blue

A few plovers flew by me

Their black and white plumage

A friendly contrast to the exuberance of the land

After exploring and gaining my bearings, I decided to

try stand-up paddleboarding.

On an orange plastic boat, I found myself

Balancing and laughing as I tried to avoid falling

Into the below freezing waters

This caused me to smile

For the first time in ages.