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The Find

Author: Jack Hay
Year: Adventure

I always enjoyed walking on beaches from when I was just a little boy. The beaches up in Stornoway on The Isle of Lewis have always been my favourite, from some with bright yellow sands to those scattered with stones. I've got memories stacked high: from swimming alongside dolphins to my sister putting a jellyfish down my trunks. I jumped around like a rabbit! A unique memory I have is of discovering a whale bone, part of its spine – it was bigger than my head.

I always wonder how this behemoth of a bone got there. Perhaps it was cornered and killed, or a more happy ending is that it died of old age; that's my hope.

I can look out of my window to this day and return to that time of finding such a strange and mysterious wonder. I will never learn the true story of this mighty animal whose bone now rests, still, in my garden surrounded by flowers in peace.