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The Journey to ABE

Author: Malcolm Johnston
Year: Adventure

On Monday morning I woke up and got changed to go out the door to catch the 35 bus to take me to the bus station. I walked across the road and I came to a big building, grey with green copper decoration. It looks a bit scary and a bit austere. But it’s a building where adult learning takes place, known locally as “The Kremlin!”

I walked up the steps and am faced with two brown doors. I press the door buzzer - it says ABE, this is Adult Basic Education and where I go for my two classes. Give her a few minutes and here comes Sarah, my tutor, to answer the door. She’s always nice and happy and her eyes are always sparking.

It’s time for my creative writing class. I wonder who is here today in the group? I wonder what we are doing today? It’s something I’ve never heard of before. It’s called Acrostic poems. I feel weird and nervous because I don’t know what it means but once we talk about it and see some examples I feel better. I know I can do it.

So, I write the words “Scotland” down the side of the paper and then for each letter I make up a sentence about Scotland. So, for the letter “S”, I wrote Scotland has a great view of thistles and mountains and lochs. I get into the swing of it and I actually enjoy it. I finished first. Everyone listens to my acrostic poem. I felt proud.

We stop for a coffee and listen to other people’s poems. Everybody’s poems were great. It's now 12.30pm and time to finish. It's been a good morning and I enjoyed the class. Now it’s time to go home. It’s been a great adventure taking part in this group and being listened to. I head for the bus station and wonder what we will be doing next Monday - a new adventure.