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The Paths to Poetry

Author: Alston Buchanan
Year: Adventure

I started on an Adventure, many moons ago and I didn’t really know where it would go …

but I enjoyed the excitement, and I went along for the ride … a rollercoaster of emotions,

so high, that they had to be written down!

So, when I knew this was an Adventure and somewhere that I’d never been before,

I decided to walk with my thoughts and through A Poetry Door!


I’ve been lost a few times in my life when I didn’t know which way to go

and I went down a few dead ends at times,

and then, I got too familiar with those roads.

I never knew where they would take me, but it wasn’t until I reached those ends,

that it finally dawned upon me…

that I needed to rise with my thoughts for them to shine the way ahead.

So, I walked, and I thought about my life in my travels,

and took in my surroundings as I continued to fight through some battles.

Then I came to that crossroads in my life where I had to wait for a sign,

where directions were taken, and paths and roads intertwine.

As I waited with frustration, I remembered all the other roads I’d been down,

and the sights that I’d seen and the situations I’d found.

So, I cashed in these thoughts from the mental notes that I had saved in my collection,

and the penny dropped for some change in the way to take, some kind, of poetry form for direction.

My senses were heightened as I set off and got high up some streets.

Then, down the other side, where meters displayed showed where I should park with my feet.

It was then, that I saw a Path to Poetry which seemed like the right way to go,

So, I ventured along just enjoying the sound from a crowd, close by, on open mic off that road.

I heard rehearsed verse… spoken from voices that seemed sure and that cared

and I wanted to see what I heard when I felt deep down, I too, had something to share.

And the word on the street from a few feet away

was that this was something to watch, but not from afar,

While the shutters were slightly open,

I saw that, that was a place I should go in, for a jar.

I knew when I first took a pew to view, to me, what was new on that stage,

and I was scared, but knew I had to get passed the nerves as I dared myself to be true and a little bit brave.

I never even considered myself to be a poet because these people are way too smart,

they speak so knowingly and sure and direct and straight from their heart.

But the more I saw, the more I saw different angles that went down that path,

Where different people spoke from different avenues to get where they now are.

The Paths to Poetry has now set me on this road in my head,

where all I can think of, is to think… how and where I want my Poetry to go in the end.