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Whit's That Awe Aboot Ehhh

Author: Calan
Year: Adventure

Ah make a mad dash fur it,

as hard ane as fast as ah kin eh,

ah throw ma haun oot,

ane it gradually comes tae a stoap, just a few paces frae where am staunin.

I climb oan board, ane pay ma way,

fur ma journey starts here,

just another travel intae the "known" lands o cats ane dugs.

Wae in 20 minutes am richt at the heart o her,

wae the flare o street lamps, ane Mr fox rakin casually through the midges, at this mid evenin time, oan a Friday, jist re-enforces my pride an attitudes in this strange place. Wae positive ane happy screams o joy herd awe roon eh toon, ane the sense o a guilty conscience in awe, 'N' mad urges. As I putter aroon ma destination,

I kin see the still continuous orangie-rid glow o the auld industry,

o'er the cities soon tae be darkenin sky. Ane as big as she is but as smau as she needs tae be, stretchin fae the "Drum" in the west richt past "Easterhoose" in the east wae her awe grace and beauty, 'N' Alang the north where Springburn meets Possil ane doon south were ye pass idly through the Gorbals tae get tae East Kilbride at somepoint wae its mad pleasures, ane air smellin o opulent splendour, fag ash ane creamie

nodes o you kin be the judge o that.

In ane aroon every street corner there's a merry-go-roon filled wae excitement, plentiful experiences 'N' masses o playgruns wae white knuckle rides in everywan a them, alang wae pictooresque buildins ane their intricate designs ane patterns, each wan tellin their ane story/era in which they came fae.

But wae each partin wake, a dawns new day, Wednesday

through Sunday, you'll see those beautiful people frae the night before casually takin in the mornins reset as they partake in the walk o shame, hingin aroon the shadows o shoap doorways, ane clingin on tae bus stoaps.

Awe cause the missed the last bus hame, everywan a them tryin tae rid themsels a their ear buzz buzzins, ane hard club thumpin, some o them wae faces like they huv been chewin a wasp or atleast dookin fur chips, sweatin oot the uncanny levels o intoxication frae the night befores start at their local, i.e. the boattle o vodie the hud in their bag.

But this alone isnae jist it, as occasionally you'll meet an auld "stargazer", merely awakinin frae under a bridge like a mad troll near the riverside jist oan there 3-seater-couch, see a place buttoned up ane fuu o character.

I tell ye this is truly the city that never sleeps,

ane I huv both lived it ane loved in it,

but ye see she isnae jist mine,

ah share her warm embrace wae millions,

ane as much o it belongs tae me,

"ah really belang tae it",

'N' its awe ways "miles better",

'N' yes yes yes she certainly does "make people".

Frae Monday through Sunday wae her charm, art, design, ane millions o mental lookin characters,

ane the mare sane wans "who cry her hame".

I jist hope she never changes, I found ane lost love in her many streets,

I learned how tae staun oan ma feet cause o her,

I felt every beat ane pulse her heart hud tae offer me,

tae me she should be a national treasure,

one o the very first mixin pots,

fuu o who's it's, what's it's,

why's that's ane dafties alike, awe filled wae pure luv 'n' care ane some might bite yer haun aff at times,

but whit kin ye expect fae her, she's very protective ay her people, so I'll never gee her up, no fur any hing, she'll never shock me.

There's still hunners o dark turns, remarkable stories, tall tales ane fantastic history tae learn, ane loads a museums tae look at "JIST DAE IT" u'l miss oot if ye didnae, cause nae other city compares, come grab yersel a deal at the Barras or stroll through the green, or go charity shoap hoppin in Paertick.

A place were awe ure welcome, but only if yer face fits, ane ye don't mind they wee theivin pidgeons at Georgie square if ye blink wance ye'll lose yer dinner, but it really doesnae matter if it does or no cause you'll eventually faw threw the cracks intae the folds o the city that I love so much. So, "welcome tae GLESGA" where dreams can be made, life's can 'ane ur bein lived everywhere,

ane every day is an adventure,

if ye want it tae be.

So be smart think fast ane didnae let yer socks swally yer trousers (Unless yer travelin by peddle bike cause then we can tell thit yer no a numpty).

So come once, twice, as many times as ye like if ye want tae, huv a wander through anetime, we hay loadz a hings ye kin gok at,

day or nicht, you choose it's only a bus ride or a train journey away whichever end ye come fae, ane you kin tell us whit you hink o her where ever your fae in any speak ye wish tae.