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Little star

Author: Megan Cowie

Two little lines, so dark and strong, such delight they bring when we see them. The world was happy, we heard whispers of a threat but continued on blind to the darkness.

Then one evening life changed, once in a lifetime they said, but once in a lifetime sounds a good thing, don’t you think? We became expressionless ghosts, scared to touch, scared to believe, scared to run out of our precious basics. Oh, the faff of trying to find a loo roll!

We stopped, we waited, many a jigsaw destroyed our sanity...where was that missing piece!

We had our missing piece, it was you. So tiny and innocent, how can something so small make you so anxious.  The threat terrified me and what it could do to you, whilst I unknowingly continued on believing you were safe.

Delight, a movement, hope returns, gardens become a treat and oh, how you shuffle to the noises from family. The excitement you bring as you blossom and grow. Oh I do love baggy clothes!

As the crimson leaves fall and ice creeps upon us, the delight of summer and catch-ups end. The sadness increases, families in despair. Yet I felt no sadness, I felt delight and excitement . Who would you become? But, more importantly,  hurry up we’re waiting!

Masks, sanitizer, a wave from afar is all you know; lying there in my arms, but, to you, we are all you need. Everything changes: the fancy commodities, the need for holidays and meals out; who needs them when we have you! Your noises make us giggle and fold with happiness.  The delight from others looking through windows, amazed at the shining love and light you bring to their lives.

Stars shine through the black, foreboding darkness. Their light reaching out and touching areas that have lost hope, sitting in sadness; that is what you do little one: you bring happiness, light and hope to me, us and them. My little star, my boy!