Please note: this piece contains descriptions some readers may find upsetting
My child was born healthy, until an unknown virus similar to the hidden killer coronavirus ascended to her.
As every parent’s worst nightmare, the prospects of any recovery were now in the hands of NHS hospital staff. To help save her life from this ravaging disease that almost cost her life completely.
Every minute was crucial, worrying and devastating as news on her welfare came through. Jade was only two years old and a born fighter just like her mum. Jade had succumbed to the worst form of an invisible illness no one could predict.
As parents we prayed for her recovery and rallied around in hope, but at times we were really scared of Jade’s prognosis and this debilitating disease. Jade became so unwell and needed so much care to keep her alive. I was told I couldn’t travel with Jade to another hospital that specifically looked after sick children. I was in awe as to why, I later found out that my little princess was being given a blood transfusion in the rear of the ambulance. As a parent, I couldn't comprehend as to how a healthy bright two year old could become so unwell. The thing of nightmares had only just begun. As Jade entered her new hospital, she was given every kind of drug to help her. She was induced into a coma. To help her body fight this deadly illness, she eventually needed life support.
The nurses were excellent to Jade and I praised them very much for saving her life. As I had witnessed so many devastating drawbacks, Jade endured. Her little body was ravaged and her body lay lifeless. I pleaded for God to help her recover. I cannot explain in words how devastated we all were for Jade and how emotional things became. Six long months in hospital and intensive care. Sleepless nights ensued wondering what the following hours would bring, not days but hours and minutes.
The impact of meningitis would be described as coronavirus in an ill patient because they are both very deadly diseases. Yet, coronavirus hits the elderly more and meningitis hits children worst. Such a horrible, debilitating disease with ultimate catastrophic consequences of death and life changing disabilities. I would tell anyone who underestimates meningitis think again, because Jade lost more limbs as a result. She had her legs and arm and fingers amputated, more so than a soldier who fought in Iraq would have lost. Setbacks were becoming the norm. All we had was hope, half a year later we saw Jade improve from her lifeless body – my advice is to take these illnesses seriously, your lives depend on it.