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Animal Therapy

Author: Elizabeth Christie
Year: Hope

I would like to share an experience with you that I had with my friend’s dogs. In 2020, I was diagnosed with breast cancer, thankfully it was benign. I was scheduled for an operation to remove the lump on my breast.

I went into hospital for the operation and I had to stay in overnight. The nursing staff were lovely; they kept checking on me to see if I was alright.

The next day by lunchtime I was allowed to go home, only I didn’t go home. I went to stay at my friend’s house for a couple of days.

It was amazing. It was as if the dogs sensed I wasn’t well. Zac came up beside me and very gently laid his head on my chest, giving me hope. His owner nearly gave him a telling off, until I stopped her, as he didn’t hurt me. She was very surprised.

Zac is a very caring dog. He will make you laugh or comfort you if you need it. Cara is the same, she was more cuddly than usual.

Through them both, I overcame breast cancer. I went for my check up and so far, it hasn’t returned. Zac and Cara gave me the hope and strength I needed to get through this. It is true what they say dogs really sense how you are feeling.