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Author: Caterina De Rosa
Year: Hope

Friends travelling on trains and boats,
On the west coast,
T’is that time, where the sun is just beginning to shine,
Some real heat, to warm our winter bones.
That time of year when the tourists are not yet all flocking here,
En masse, desperate to relax,
In some of our west coast towns,
And see what we are seeing,
On this wee sailing boat.
Ruins of castles of centuries old,
Seals, skin glistening, basking on rocks,
With seabirds for companions,
An otter diving for stray salmon,
From a fish farm,
A sign of changed days,
But still not marring,
The romantic green of our hills,
On our west coast,
Where our rain falls in sheets so much of the year,
Nourishing all the green that we see right here,
As we sail, friends on this wee sailing boat,
On our first big outdoor adventure of the year.
We look towards the horizon,
Waiting, longing,
For more of this sun,
On our pale faces,
As we savour today,
A memory in the making.