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Collected Hope

Author: LGBTQ+ Creative Writing Group
Year: Hope

This piece contains strong language.

By Sol, Dorian, Alicia, Carla, Emily, Riley, Ari, John, Mohammed, CL, Asha, Jill, Maggie, Ling-Ling, Nina, Graham, Jude and Jess

What the fuck is that!

Some say slow and steady wins the race.

Others sweet, sweet belligerence.

Digging deep into the bottom of the box – hope dies last.

Indestructible wonderment.

Hope is other people, and every time an animal says hello.

Wait for the tail... AI transmission incoming...

Reflect before you sip,

and look skyward to find your way home.

Some people know me as hope,

now you see it too.

Where there’s life, there’s hope.

Keep watching, and I’ll shine again.