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Author: Emily Rose
Year: Hope

The first time that you met me,

I was just a few weeks old.

I picture everything you said and did

From stories I've been told.

You wrapped me in your arms,

And you called me by my name.

You knitted clothes to keep me snug,

As with my mum, you did the same.

But you have never heard me sing.

You don't know my favourite food.

You've never seen my curly hair,

Nor how I've coped with adulthood.

And I have never heard you laugh.

I wouldn't recognise your voice.

I've never held your hand in mine,

Though often wish I'd had the choice.

I never got to meet you

And at times it seems unfair,

But I must not succumb to sadness,

Resist temptation to despair...

For when I'm looking in the mirror,

Your facial features are reflected.

The words of wisdom you once spoke,

Throughout my life, I have respected.

And I have always called you Granny,

Full of love, warmth and affection,

That I know you lavished on me

With the promise of protection.

I never got to meet you,

But I trust there'll come a day

When our two souls are reunited,

‘I know you!’, they'll haste to say.