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Dawn Chorus

Author: Sarah Graham
Year: Hope

It was silly time in the morning. All was quiet, the wind had calmed down, and I could tell the trees had stopped moving. No more shadows dancing on the bedroom curtains. The silence was a bit eerie. I laid there a couple more minutes. Then the birds began to get going. I remember a time when we were afraid there would be no more birdsong. Thank God, we saw the light on that one.

The sound of a blackbird singing in the earliest hour of dawn is surely the best sound to get you going for the day. If you have to wake up at this ridiculous time, this is the compensation. It’s OK to feel hope, start the day with bold ideas, feel full of strength. Who knows what this day will bring? All we can do is hope.

I’ve heard the orchids are blooming again on Knock Hill. I must climb up there, remember to take my camera with me. I need evidence. Last year, I couldn’t find any blooms but I photographed the grass anyway. Must collect evidence for the next generation, warn them what could happen.

I hope the orchids will still be there, long after I have gone, attracting those insects we thought might die out.