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Flowers at the door

Author: Beverley Ferguson
Year: Hope

Please note: this piece contains descriptions of loss that some readers may find distressing.

Eight years ago this very day

My world, my boy was taken away

Two policemen at the door

To say you’re not here anymore

When you see these things on TV

You hope that doesn’t happen to me

But it has and it did

The very thing you ask “God to forbid”

I could see you were struggling

But didn’t know what to do

To deal with your ways I hadn’t a clue

You always said  “I’m fine and coping well”

But there was something wrong I could tell

Call it Mother’s instinct or just plain foresight

I knew something would change one night

They came to tell me you had gone

My only child, my precious Son

Why didn’t I cry, shout and scream

At losing my boy, my little Seanbeam

I just went numb and couldn’t speak

If I didn’t say the words then maybe I could keep

you there with me, on this earth

You, who melted my heart from birth

But you were a man with a mind of your own

How could I really have known

You’d leave this world before me

A life without you I just couldn’t see…

But there was a moment after that awful day

Sitting in the garden wondering why couldn’t you stay

My eyes were closed, the sun shone on my face

You were right beside me, not in another place

I felt your love surround me, not just in my mind

The knot in my stomach started to unwind

From that moment I knew you were still around

Myself and others I would astound

It gave me the strength I have today

Because I know you’re not far away

You’re in my heart forever my Son

As the saying goes “life must go on”

It’s the hardest thing for a grieving mother

Every day putting one foot in front of the other

But every day if all you can do is breathe

The pain really can start to ease

My heart is broken but it still beats inside

The sorrow I carry, I’ll never hide

There are new joys in life and reasons to live

It makes it easier for me to give

As much as I can, back to you

It helps me to make it through

This world that is cruel but so beautiful too

I  go on with a huge hole in my heart

I know we’re really not far apart

You’ll live on in the things that I do

I’ll try to be strong if only for you

We’ll meet again of that I’m sure

And you’ll be waiting there for me

With flowers, at the door.

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