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From You, Not Without You

Author: Tavinder Kaur New
Year: Hope

A new dawn, a new day, the tears not so strong and raw from yesterday. A new beginning to walk this path from the expectations of the past that are no more. The sun shines and moves me forward from you not without you as I take you with me to the next chapter.

A new dawn, a new day, the pain and waves are not so powerful, and being a seesaw from yesterday. A new beginning to walk this journey from the visions of the past that are no more. The clouds are no longer there as I am going on from you not without you as I take you with me to the next phase of life.

A new dawn, a new way of life, the tears may come but no longer define me. A new beginning to take and awaken me from the past that is no more. The sun now shines on me from you, not without you. I take you with me going forward to the next page of this chapter that awaits me a new hope.