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Haste Ye Back

Author: Iona McCuaig
Year: Hope

I blend in. My clothes, appearance, voice, nothing gives me away.

I know my way, everything is the same. But the difference is all I can see.

The ancient king on the banknotes –

Scots Wha Hae.

The extra layer that’s worn –

Dreich oot thare th'day.

A bowl of homemade soup –

That wull stick-tae-yer-ribs.

The warm bed –

Yer beds on, sae ye kin corrie in.

How I am seen –

Whit ur ye doin’ up here then, hen?

Not showing off –

Dae ye think yer Fanny Toosh?

The stoicism –

Keep th’ heid!

Presenting the best of ourselves –

Yer nae goin’ oot dressed lik’ that!

Relishing to help others –

A’m juist takin’ Jean her messages.

Fools are not suffered –

Yer bums oot th' windae.

Speaking to strangers –

Aye, cauld mornin’.

Everything south of Gretna Green is England –

Whin ye goin’ back doon sooth?

Red cheeks and runny noses –

That bairns chittering.

The chippy for tea –

Dae ye waant broon sauce wi’ that?

Just as it begins to feel familiar it’s time to leave and those are the souvenirs I take.

Haste ye back.