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Hope Innate

Author: Di Hay
Year: Hope

When it is time for me to be born
I hope I'll be cradled in arms soft and warm
Kept close, held safe in a haven of love
Wanted and cherished, a gift from above

When reaching the age of one year old
And decreed to leave your nurturing fold
Separated from you, abandoned, alone
I hope you return to carry me home

When I have lived for years more than three
Frogmarched to nursery class I must be
Hoping, by then, that I shall be able
To sit on the toilet and eat at a table

When I am tested, examined, assessed
If I have not yet met the targets pre-set
I hope you will not feel failed by my lack
Leaving me rejected, turning your back

And when journeying onward to self-identity
I hope you will travel that pathway with me
Supporting, empowering, guiding patiently
Until I have reached my true destiny