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Hope is all gone

Author: Nobody
Year: Hope

Hope is all gone
When you've been done wrong
Justice is just now a word.
I used to believe in society's creeds
Now I'm just one of its herd
All I held dear has turned to sour grapes
My bars hold my body and hopes
I fear for you all
Society's thrall
The thieves are all laughing out there.

Oh I get it you see
I'm no longer me
Once you're guilty it's for all of your life
Your sentence is done, just like this one
But your character, that's never clear.
Everyone says jail's a bad place
I find it surprisingly calm
The torture I felt all alone by myself
Is less than I face in here

Can it really be true?
She did this to you
No one will ever correct
The lies that they told in court under oath
On a book that they barely know

There's no smoke without fire
The herd often cry
But Mourov has seen to all that
I can't tell the truth
It's no longer good
To live by unbreakable oaths

No truth no whole truth
Just only a part
The bit that envelopes you
And keep to yourself
The essential defence
That clears you but slanders their truth.

So I'm sorry for me
Well no for you see
It's you I pity out there
You swallowed the lie
And caught a week fly
Whilst the spiders deny you the truth.