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Marvelously Mediocre

Author: Sarah M Davies
Year: Hope

Marvelously mediocre

Always there

Never in the photo

Olive green peddle pusher trousers

(from C&A probably)

Wobbling on too high court shoes

Borrowed from my mum

New Romantic pirate chic

The show I wanted to tell

But I couldn’t do it well

Not then

So my breath froze on the window pane

As I watched

And waited

For the time when I’d be noticed

By the cool kids


Sticky floor

Went Once

Never More

I was

Marvelously mediocre

Working hard to stay afloat

The plodder

The doer

The hard tryer

I wasn’t lost

I just hadn’t found the way

So I followed the expected path

Deferred to others

Made the sensible choices

Quelled the voices

Believed the stories

Others told me

Don’t think I’m complaining

It was all good training

All the mis-stepping

I’m not regretting

It brought me to where I am now

The me you see

Is built on the rubble of

The mes who went before

The mes who were not sure

The mes who hit the floor

But who kept plodding on

Convinced her day would come

When she would know

Where I should go

To find the community

Who would embrace the me you see


So here I stand

Book in hand

To say

Keep going

You’re there


It just might take you a while

To find yourself