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Maybe hope is like a breath | ’S dòcha gu bheil dòchas mar anail
By Lynsey, Kima, Kenny, Jill, , Karen and Anna
Hope? Nope.
‘Hope springs eternal’
I don’t know what that means
and where does it come from?
I lost my hope
I got sorrowful for an ecosystem of the past
that’s not coming back.
There are houses by the bypass
called ‘green pastures meadow’
There’s no meadow to be seen
it’s a concrete lie.
Hope takes me beyond thought
Hope takes me beyond reason
Hope takes me further than courage
Hope takes me further than I can see.
I know what gives me hope -
if the flora and fauna could vote!
Dear Earth, I couldn’t live without you.
Planting for future generations
I hope to be a good ancestor.
What makes hope more palatable?
to be full -
to be hopeful.
A wag of a tail
A child’s smile
A new-born baby’s cry
Pockets of joy on a spring morning
Coiseachd sìos Rathad na Stèisean
Coimhead air taobh na sràide flùraichean
Chaidh an planntachadh air a’ choimhearsnachd
(Walking down Station Road
Looking at the side of street at flowers
That were planted by the community)
Maybe hope is like a breath
Your trust allows me to breathe:
the hope of the in-breath
and the promise of the out
The rising of the sun
and the setting of the sun:
we know, well, we’re almost certain
the day will start again.