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I hope we are all doing well

Author: Wai Chun, Noel Leung
Year: Hope


You asked,

Did you have any hope?

I said,

I had.

You asked,

What was it?

I said,

My hope won’t be weighty because it will take me up to the sky;

My hope couldn’t be fragile because it will give me strength to carry on;

My hope won’t be lost because it eventually will fly into your thoughts.

Five years have gone by,

Our city has deteriorated,

Our youths has jailed,

Our freedom has gone,

But I hope we are all doing well.


I said to myself,

If I have to write my story of hope,

I will write a story about us-the Hongkongers.


My last paragraph for the story will be:

Stand by what we believe in, even though we know it’s an impossible mission to accomplish in such a short period of time. This is the fate for us all – sons and daughters of a once-free city.