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Poems on Hope

Author: Grassmarket Community Project Creative Writing Group
Year: Hope

By Fiona Halliday


we can all sit at the table not for crumbs but for a feast

diversity is the spice of life

connect to the 4 corners of the earth

embrace the good & those that just don't care

as everyone needs a shelter from catastrophes

familiarity fumbles for comfortable reflection

or the comfort of a distant recollection

of once being loved

envelop & caress humanity

who not invincible

but here to make an impression

for the good bad & indifferent

slow down & breath in acceptance & inclusion

for it captures the imagination & frees the mind

I believe in me & my fellow man

capable of working in unison

with a common goal

to accept & include all colours of the human rainbow

learn to love & be loved

the elixir we all seek

clear your mind of negativity

positivity is hanging in the air you breath

New vistas await you

rally round & care for one & all

the spirit of compassion conquers a myriad of problems

have faith & reap the benefits of unconditional love

from the universe & beyond infinity


my new beautiful perfect canine

oh so small with the heart of a lion

you have given me purpose

I feel I love I give

the days did fester on and linger

now I long for the new dawn a new day

I have found contentment

in the most confused manner

not through the vessel of my own species

but a canine

a puppy

a mongrel some would call him

but to me he is like an Arabian stallion

a thoroughbred

so placid and to contradict so feisty

he shall become the focus of my place

on earth

Toby you give me unconditional love

I look after you

now I am never alone

even in daylight

I have a shadow

my canine

constant companion

who healed my broken mind

I am on the road to recovery

with the help of my canine

before there was no future

now hope appears at every angle

and vista

as I glance around me

I see goodness and light

in the very soul of my canine

grow and thrive sustainably

little puppy

I shall treasure memories of you

for posterity

for eternity...