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Author: Jillian Charleson
Year: Hope

Swell rising, hearts sinking
We entered choppy waters,
We'd been here before and would navigate through it again.

Then came a sudden storm, rougher seas, a malignant wave that left our ship without it's captain.
Endless blue stretched out before us.
The first mate searching for glints of stars, through clouded nights, trying to map our way forward.

79 days adrift
and then
two blue lines appeared on the horizon.
We discovered a stowaway on board, clutching lillies in her hands.
A beacon of light came into view.
It's beams causing hearts to swell, hope to rise,
our voyage would continue.
I would follow in your footsteps and steer our ship. We sailed on towards October.
Where 299 days later a wren would land upon the deck as we safely docked in a new harbour.