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Strength in Vulnerability

Author: Priyanka Joshi
Year: Hope

In the whirlwind of life, a common thread binds us all – the extraordinary strength within our ordinary lives. This sweet little story resonates in the hearts of women everywhere, a story of resilience and determination in the face of unspoken challenges. It is a story of survival and overcoming the silent battles we each face daily. A story no one believes in but is not unknown.

She is you, she is me, she is every woman who stands firm against life's adversities, faces them with the utmost grit and courage, emerging stronger than before. This is not a story of conventional success but surviving on bare minimums, living an intentional life, a life that transcends through little accomplishments and celebrating small wins.

It is said that a pen is mightier than a sword, and when life began to throw its harshest curveballs, Priyanka found solace in the powerful world of words, transforming her life in ways she could have never imagined, pushing herself out of her comfort zone, challenging her perceptions and notions. Writing became her refuge, her escape from the noisy world.

In 2016, Priyanka faced a daunting reality: a lymphadenitis diagnosis and the discovery of 15 tumours within her body. Struggling to raise her two year old daughter amid health and relationship challenges, she sought refuge in writing. As her marriage began to crumble and depression crept in, her words became a beacon of hope, guiding her through the darkest of times.

Priyanka's open diary blog was born from her need to make sense of life's adversities. Raw and authentic, her writing resonated with readers across the world, leading to social mentions, awards and accolades. As she was on her journey of healing, her newfound passion for working towards raising mental health awareness grew, leading her to pursue courses in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Mindfulness Practice and Therapeutic Writing.

In 2019, three years after understanding and evolving with her writing journey, she launched a dedicated online mental health platform for those seeking non-clinical support and solace. Through her podcast and heartfelt articles, Priyanka's vulnerability and strength became a guiding light for others facing their own battles.

Writing became her lifeline, a way to channel her emotions as her relationship continued to unravel. In giving herself wholly to her craft and her audience, she discovered the true meaning of hope – not as a destination, but as a continuous journey of self-discovery and perseverance.

Despite the trials she faced, Priyanka never lost sight of her dreams. She gave life another chance, she gave herself a second chance. She moved to Scotland, after her divorce, with her daughter in 2022, on a lone journey to restart and reshape her life. She pursued her second Master's degree in her late 30s while single-handedly nurturing her little one and working part-time to meet ends. She graduated with flying colours and her daughter was her biggest cheerleader when she saw her mum on stage. She works full-time in a job that makes her feel content and continues to work on her blog side by side. With unwavering determination, Priyanka's hard work paid off when she won a Scottish entrepreneurial award and secured funding to transform her blog into an enterprise.

Through the whirlwind of life's challenges, she held onto the hope that her words would one day create a lasting impact. As life continues to throw challenges, she redefines her coping mechanisms to deal with them, she allows herself to break into pieces when it gets heavy to bear the burden but bounces back with self-love and self-compassion to live life to the fullest. Priyanka found strength in owning her vulnerabilities and continues to embrace hope, hand-in-hand with her daughter – her constant source of love, wisdom and light.