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Taser To My Soul

Author: Ullapool Creative Writing Group
Year: Hope

By Alastair, Sandy, Charlotte, Rachel, Madeline, Jan, Gregor, Jill, Hughie, Joany and Lorraine

A world where the obscenely rich

and usually corrupt

are no longer in power.

Kind words from someone I don’t know,

Hugs from someone in the family.

A sunbeam stroking the cheek

of a freshly rained on street.

The sparkly bits on the water

reflect the light in my heart.

So feel the sun on your face!

The moment of joy on a mountain ridge,

Exhilarated by the elements,

the sound of rain on my tent.

A rook outlined against a blue sky

re-establishes the joy of oil painting.

The hum of amber streetlights,

a perfectly ripe peach.

Eating chocolate when

I know I shouldn’t.

Tilling the soil for the return of simplicity and care.

Sparrows chasing each other and arguing.

A robin watching for worms as I dig.

A warm day after the winter chill,

rain bowed down to my feet.

A dog with the zoomies,

my cat’s breath on my face,

texting not dead yet.

Quiet and laughter.

This could have been a poem about a tree.