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The Hardest Step

Author: @josealespoetry
Year: Hope

All you have to do is walk through that door.

It's simple advice I'm sure you've heard it all before,

So why does it feel like your feet are welded to the floor?

When all you have to do is walk through that door.

All your life experiences have brought you right to this place,

Your trauma and pain written all over your face,

Now is your time to rejoin the human race.

How can I say so confidently, so sure?

That all you have to do is walk through that door?

'Cause I've been there and done that and got that bloody t-shirt too,

You aren't alone these feelings aren't exclusively felt by you,

No need to sit so lonely and so blue,

I assure you this time doesn't have to be like before,

I swear all you have to do is walk through that door.