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The Hope of Parenting Teenagers

Author: Cordelia Manson
Year: Hope

I hope they learn tae pit their dishes in the dishwasher,

Hope ah cooried thum in enough when they wir wee.

I hope they find a clan tae haud and uplift thum,

Weathering the relationship shifts o’ this stage.

I hope they learn tae budget and no spend a’ their money on weeknight Uni drinkin’

Hope they keep coming home tae talk aboot the guid stuff, and the hard stuff.

I hope they spik kindly tae theirsells wi words o’ grace and love

At their inevitable missteps.

I hope they ken their claes’ll no git clean in bathroom flair dubs,

Hope I’ve no screwed thum up too badly and that they ken I wis daein’ ma best

Even when they needed mair than ma best.

I hope they discover who they are, and who they are nae.

I hope they learn dugs dinnae feed or walk theirsells,

Hope they ken I’ll ayeways pick thum up fae anyplace they dinnae feel safe

I hope they learn tae say No

And mean it.

I hope they huv enough self-preservation tae no dae anyhing truly stupit,

Hope they ken how deeply loved they are.

I hope they understaun their worth

Jist as they are.

I hope they are gled as often as they wahnt tae be, able tae deal wi’ stormy emotions,

Hope they ken how amazin’ they are.

I hope they ken how lucky I feel that they’re mine.

And I am theirs.