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The Knitting Group

Author: D.R
Year: Hope

I had been depressed for years, then I lost my job of 15 years, not because of my mental health, but because of my physical health. I sank further into depression. I didn’t know what to do with myself. I’d lost my friends through my depression and now I missed the social aspects of my work.

I remembered that I supported a lady to a Knit and Natter group in the past. It was such fun. I thought I’d try one for myself. I found a local group and bought some wool.

Weeks, months went by. I was anxious at the thought of walking in – I wouldn’t know anyone. I would plan to go, then couldn’t go through with it. I would feel terrible, pathetic.

Eventually I made it to the church hall where the group met. The door was locked. I knocked and waited, then went home disappointed. I heard later that it was someone’s special birthday and the group had gone out for lunch. I never tried there again.

Many months later I heard that there was another group - at the library. After a number of false starts I went along with my ball of wool and a crochet hook. Everyone was so friendly, and it was really enjoyable. I made new friends. It is now one of the highlights of my week. It gave me hope that I could pursue new interests and make new friends. Yes, it might have taken me a while to get there, but life is not a race. I got there in the end.