Looking for more in Scotland's Stories?

The Nature of Hope

Author: Erica Benson
Year: Hope

Ten hope-filled monoku inspired by the nature of Scotland.

Snowdrop smileys warm a dark, wintry day

Cambo Gardens, Fife, 2024

At the end of the rainbow, an osprey

Loch of the Lowes, Perth and Kinross, 2024

Standing stone curlews last the arc of time

Ring of Brodgar, Orkney, 2016

The scent of daffodils and hot cross buns

Kellie Castle, Fife, 2024

A small tortoiseshell flutters into spring

Backhouse Rossie Estate, Fife, 2024

Take time out for coffee with a skylark

East Lomond, Fife, 2018

Buzzing along a pollinator’s patch

Loch Leven, Perth and Kinross, 2021

A dolphin dances with the May Princess

Isle of May, 2019

Dunnock blue eggs in a cloudless June sky

Cupar, Fife, 2016

The tide always turns and will turn again

Vatersay, 2019