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الأرض والسماء | The sky and the earth

Author: Arabic Creative Writing Group
Year: Hope

By Amna, Nadia and Saffanna

How beautiful is the sky in the evening,

adorned in its pear-studded gown,

radiating splendour. It’s as if the stars are

celebrating in a wedding of joy and song. It

is said that souls emerge in the darkness,

embracing, exchanging love, and sharing

dreams, while bodies on beds rest. I

search for my moon amidst the chaos of

wishes; he listens to me, and together we

weave tales. He keeps my secrets, sending

my longing to loved ones afar. It’s

wonderful to live like the stars in this vast

sky, without quarrel. Oh, if only humans

understood that the earth is vast,

accommodating all, just like the sky.