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The stars will guide me home

Author: Ruth
Year: Hope

As I sit with my frail 95 year old dad I see occasional sparks of brilliance for a short time, almost like a comet in the dark and then the light fades. I try to busy myself with the job of pretending to be normal, ordinary even. The joys of being a mum, a daughter, friend, wife and a nurse fill the days and hours. Being thankful for this man being my dad for 57 years and his unwavering belief, seeing the good in people. He was a young man sent to Berlin post war and proudly learned to drive fast and miss objects as an ambulance driver. He said he swapped curiosities with other young German soldiers just like him. He saw a lot and said little as many did, coming back to his home in the countryside, settling and never wanting to go away again. His driving has always been legendary and would have made a good rally driver, landing in ditches was usual practice in our childhood! He brought us up on songs played on the mouth organ on a Sunday and liked a song. He could recite whole poems; "The Shooting of Dan McGrew" and "The Muckle Spate".

We have a lifetime of love and stories to fill the faded light.