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The Things I Hope

Author: Eve Flockhart
Year: Hope

I hope, in times to come, that my world continues turning

That the forests keep on growing, that the children keep on learning

I hope to venture everywhere I’ve ever dreamt of going

I hope to meet the one I love, but there’s no way of knowing

My hopes can reach the long expanses of my adult years

They stretch to how my future children navigate their fears

To how the people leading us will treat us as a nation

To hopes that all my loved ones know my deep appreciation

I someday hope to travel, and to laugh and dance and sing

At weddings and at birthdays, celebrating everything

I hope and pray that nothing untoward touches my heart

I hope my family minds their health; I hope I too will start!

I hope I will experience all that this country holds

The glory of our hills and coast, their beauties bright as gold

I long to watch the clear night sky from in amongst the islands

And gaze upon the wildlife that roams about the highlands

While wishing on some far-off stars keeps wonder in my eyes

I do appreciate the fact that life’s built on surprise

That things I may be yearning for while spring is gently blooming

May not be what I’m longing for when winter months start looming

To understand the things we have, we must see what we’ve not

To cherish all that we hold dear, we sometimes must feel loss

Although I do not hope for fear, for sorrow, or for grief

I feel they’re inescapable. I stand by this belief

For by and by I will lose friends, and family and hair

I’ll lose my looks, I’ll lose my strength, I’ll lose my will to care

About the superficial things, what I once needed to cope

All I can wish is, while I’m here, to never lose my hope