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Two Poems About Hope

Author: Margaret McVey
Year: Hope

1. Just For Today

Dawn breaks through the grief and desolation where I lay

Piercing the darkness with an incandescent sun ray

But my mind and soul reject such false promise

Too much loss from which there is no solace.

But then my gaze rests on the sadness mixed with youthful expectation etched on my child’s face,

Filling the space between us with need and love and hope and grace.

I dampen down my own muted cries,

Reaching out, I breathe and gather strength to rise.

We will survive and love will have its say…

At least , just for today.

Hope snuggles safely strapped around my heart

As I tread on the field of life.

I gather together our goals blown apart,

And protect them from destruction and strife.

I plant Hope in a corner that grief had left forsaken,

With clumps of faith and courage as a shield,

And slowly and surely ambitions reawaken,

A harvest for the labour they yield.

I sowed in tears and reaped in joy

Outsmarting Death who planned to destroy.

The family tonight will sit at table and be heard,

We will talk and laugh and all together break bread

Nurtured and nourished, cherished in safe care,

We will sing and dance, work and play…

At least just for today.

Friends will gather at times round the nest

Each kind word will strengthen and bless,

Oil of gladness and beauty poured out to soothe pain,

They will return again and again.

Helping us when overwhelmed with loss and sorrow,

But I will not think of tomorrow and tomorrow,

Our kinship will guide me on life’s steep path

Where I’ll leave behind grief and sadness and wrath,

I’ll learn to live in a new and present-filled way…

At least , just for today.

2. A Mosaic of Hope

Did someone captivate your heart one day

And weave their magic all around,

Infiltrate and stamp your soul and then just go away?

Grief and loss, despair and pain gather and surround,

Until your life is now a raging battleground.

Trying to recover, using every known means

It’s difficult when your heart’s in smithereens.

But then the heart devotes itself to its Beloved – you.

Instilling hope and self belief and all that’s noble and true.

Strong is your heart that gathers every precious piece and shard,

Restoring body, soul and mind that the world just disregards.

Love and Hope and Healing too

Forms the glue within each beat

Until the fragments of your dreams are transformed and made complete.

Sorry my friend for those hard and painful times,

But the furnace of suffering has made in you, a light that brightly shines.

It casts its warmth, its hope and darkness-piercing rays

On those who tread same broken path

In search of Life some other way.

Listen to this my good and courageous friend

There’s something benevolent and brave within

Like steel it changes shape, it bows and bends

But stays strong and supports you to the very end

Its name is Integrity and it’s strong and freeing

And it lives eternally deep within your Being.

Trust is its oil and Truth is its fuel

And Hope is its most precious jewel

It reminds us to love

It’s what we’re here for

Hope is the diamond in the glaur.