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Winter Passes Into Spring

Author: Gina O'Brien
Year: Hope

Always winter, never spring,

who’d imagine such a thing?

Lochs stay frozen, shards of glass,

rules abound we cannot pass.

Silence spreads across the earth,

people question their self-worth.

And yet it wasn’t always so,

the world’s designed for ebb and flow:

tides come in and tides go out,

pale-orbed moon is free of doubt,

no marks left upon the sand,

joy unbounded through the land


newborn woman lifts the lid

on lie that she’s from Adam’s rib;

head thrown back and arms stretched wide,

embracing good and bad with pride,

mind is freed and fetters fall,

life no longer cramped and small,

frigid tears on rime-frost trees

melt and drop with warming breeze,

rivers flowing into lochs

raging, laughing, all unblocked.

And as I let my thoughts take wing.

winter passes into spring.