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Tha Sinn a' Dol Suas is Suas

Song type: Actions, Calm
Language: Gaelic
Age group: 0-2, 3-5
Audience: Baby, 3-5, Toddler

How to share this song with babies

How to share this song with toddlers

How to share this song with 3 to 5-year-olds

Tha Sinn a' Dol Suas is Suas lyrics

Tha sinn a’ dol suas is suas is suas

Tha sinn a’ dol sìos is sìos

Tha sinn a’ dol suas is suas is suas

Tha sinn a’ dol sìos is sìos

Taobh gu taobh, taobh gu taobh

Taobh gu taobh, gu taobh

Taobh gu taobh, taobh gu taobh

Taobh gu taobh, gu taobh

Tha sinn a’ dol suas is suas is suas

Tha sinn a’ dol sìos is sìos

Tha sinn a’ dol suas is suas is suas

Tha sinn a’ dol sìos is sìos

(We are going up and up)

We are going up and up and up

We are going down and down

We are going up and up and up

We are going down and down

Side to side, side to side

Side to side, to side

Side to side, side to side

Side to side, to side

We are going up and up and up

We are going down and down

We are going up and up and up

We are going down and down

Did you know you can also listen to the traditional version of The Skye Boat Song(this link will open in a new window) in the Bookbug Song and Rhyme Library?