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Online writing workshops
Many writing workshops are moving online. We've collected and listed a selection to get you started.

Looking for an online writing workshop or group? We've collected a variety for you to browse. Some have moved online temporarily, some are permanently digital.
Please note that we curate this list but don't run the opportunities listed. Want to share an opportunity with us? Email [email protected]
Big Smoke Writing Factory
A Dublin-based group with online courses for different levels of experience.
The Book Whisperers
A six week online course aimed at people who have an idea for a novel.
The Fiction Writers' Club
A Facebook group for writers to share ideas and work.
Figment Creativity
Live mini-workshops each morning, free to all. Archived at figmentcreativity.com
GHOST Writers
Based in Cambridgeshire but online during lockdown.
Leading London Indie Bookshop which runs online and in-shop courses.
Open Book
Open Book Unbound – a virtual home for the coming weeks while restrictions remain in place. Open Book will be sharing stories, poems and online resources each week to help keep us all reading, writing and connecting while we can’t meet together in person.
Scottish BPOC Writers' Network
A link to the events page of the Scottish BPOC Writers Network, who hold frequent workshops. Please be mindful when booking. This is a session for Black writers & writers of colour* based in Scotland (or who, pre-COVID, would normally be resident in Scotland).
The Scribblers' Union
Online writing group run by Kevin P. Gilday. Each week they will create new work based on themed prompts and take on new forms and structures.
Email The Scribblers' Union to find out more.
Shut Up and Write
A group that provides an hour of focussed writing time.
Society of Authors - online events
A list of online events run by the Society of Authors, including advice and workshops.
Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators
An international professional organisation for authors and illustrators of books for children and young adults, with regional groups across the UK.
Spread the Word
Spread the Word have a variety of online courses scheduled and have made some available for free.
An online writing group for children with a variety of writing prompts.
The Writers' Block
A winter programme of writing workshops running between January and March 2021.
The Writers' Den
A set of 4 writing workshops for £80 with Philip Caveney, aimed at 9-12 year olds.
Email [email protected] for more information.
A longstanding web forum with online writing groups and user feedback.
Writing with Rachel
Free weekly writing workshops from Rachel Plummer.
Writers with Faces
Regular writing sessions on Zoom, focussing on writing with other faces around.
WordPath Scotland
Regular writing sessions and programmes from novelists Meaghan Delahunt and Kirsty Gunn.
1-1 Online Mentoring Sessions run on an ongoing basis.
Ignite Your Fiction runs May 5 to May 7, 2023.
She Writes: Women & The Short Story runs September 8 to September 10, 2023.
Focus: One Day Mentoring Courses runs July 3 & November 11, 2023.
Obsidian Foundation
A one-week retreat for black poets of African descent selected by application who want to advance their writing practice.
The Procrastinators
Weekly online writing group meeting every Sunday at 7:30pm via Zoom. The group is self-led and members take turns in providing creative writing prompts for the sessions. Sessions are free to attend.
Moniack Mhor Online
Online activity delivered by Moniack Mhor Writers' Centre includes month-long courses, year-round seasons of writing, masterclasses and other one-off events, plus an online mentoring scheme.